Coeliac disease and the gluten-free diet
Coeliac disease and bone health in adults
Gluten-free diets for athletic performance
Coeliac Disease gluten free food on prescription debate
Non-coeliac gluten sensitivity
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and the obese patient
COPD: nutrition and weight management
COPD: a patient's perspective
Crohn's Disease
Colitis case studyPart one
Colitis case study Part two
The Low-FODMAP diet for Crohn's disease
Short bowel syndrome
Crohn's and enteral nutrition
Cystic fibrosis
Nutrition in Cystic Fibrosis
Cystic Fybrosis: nutritional strategies and management
Cystic fibrosis an update in research
Nutrition In Cystic Fibrosis: What Will The Future Hold?
Dementia and nutrition
ONS are they effective in people with dementia
Supporting people to eat well and Live well with dementia
Healthy eating and lifestyle to reduce the risk of dementia
Low Carb diets for Type I diabetes are they suitable?
Dietetic intervention to improve dietetic control for those with type 2 diabetes - research study
Type 2 diabetes: low carbohydrate diets as treatments
Diabetes and Carbohydrates: an overview of current discussions
Diabetes examined
Medical Management of Type 2 Diabetes
Living With Type 1 Diabetes
Type 1 Diabetes In Children And Young People
Dysphagia-What every dietitian must know about thickeners
Dysphagia and Motor Neurone Disease: Case Study
Why Dysphagia should be carefully considered by dietitians
Dysphagia: an update on current practise
Dysphagia:Puree diet week - catergory C challenge
Texture modification in dysphagia patients
Dysphagia: Causes and management
Dysphagia: The Facts
Ketogenic therapy for adults with drug resistant epilepsy: time it was on the menu for adults
Epilepsy and ketogenic diet therapy: managing expectations in patients
Adult Ketogenic diet therapy: what we know thus far
Ketogenic Diet Therapy: let them eat fat!
Ketogenic diets for epilepsy: past, present and future
The Road to Keto
Food intolerances
Food allergy in adults
Adult food allergy
Development of home introduction guides for egg, soya and wheat in non-IgE-mediated allergy
Adult food allergy: pollen food syndrome
Adult onset food allergies
Adult Food Allergy
The dietetic management of Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Fermented foods, IBS and microbiome
Diets for IBS: beyond low FODMAP
IBS and the low FODMAP diet
Fibre and Inflammatory Bowel Disease
IBS: setting up a patient service
Irritable bowel syndrome
Irritable Bowel Syndrome: The Future
Paediatric PKU
PKU: a parent's perspective
Obesity in adults with PKU
Transitioning the young adult with an inherited metabolic disease
Maple Syrup Urine Disease in adults: an overview
Tyrosinaemia Type I and Type II
Low protein diets in metabolic disorders: an overview
PKU in the UK: the early years (1949-1979)
IMD and pregnancy- a case study
Propionic Acidaemia and a twin pregnancy: Case study
IMD Case study - dietetic management in Ornithine Transcarbamylase deficiency
Unplanned pregnancy in women with phenylketonuria (PKU) - a dietetic emergency
Life with PKU: work in progress
Sport and PKU
Metabolic dietetics
The politics of PKU
Prescribing challenges in PKU
Phenylalanine neurotoxicity and the challenge of ‘diet for life’* in PKU
Low protein foods cost effective prescribing
Kuvan or Sapropterin a pharmacological treatment for PKU
New study into weaning and PKU
Special Low-Protein Foods
PKU And Ageing: What Do We Know So Far?
Inherited Metabolic Disorders In An Inpatient Setting
PKU In The Time Of Covid
Nutritional Management of Chronic Kidney Disease
Protein In Liver Disease
Pancreatitis: an overview of dietary management
Disease of the Pancreas: NICE guidance summarised
The Barriers Of Pancreatic Exocrine Insufficiency
Vitamin D in Pregnancy
IMD and pregnancy - a case study
Nutrition support for oncology
Cancer and Keto
Nutrition Support Measures in Oesphphageal Cancer
Iodine deficiency
Autism and excessive food selection
Ehlers-Danlos/Hypermobility Syndrome: can diet help with symptoms?
Galactosaemia: Suitable Cheese for People on a low Galactose diet
An introdution to Glycogen Storage Disease Type 1
New Galactosaemia guidelines: what do they mean for dietitians?
Case Study: Enteral feeding and nutrition in a patient with Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy
The changing face of head and neck cancer
Mcardle's disease helping a patient through a creative dietary approach
Anosmia: a personal account of living without a sense of smell
Saturated fat and heart disease debate
Nutrition through cancer treatment
Maldigestion or malabsorption
Motor Neurone Disease: Nutritional Management
The Management of Congenital Hyperinsulinism
Nutrition in mental health recovery
Constipation and treatment
Eosinophilic Oesophagitis
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and symptom management
Alzheimer's Disease: Eating and Drinking Challenges
Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth: A review of Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment
Dental Disease: The Impact of Diet
Lactose Intolerance
Cardiovascular Disease: Hypertension Risk Factors
Malabsorption: An Overview
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
HIV: The Role Of Nutritional Care In Supporting Patients
Hypothyroidism: Links Between Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis And Nutritional Status