Industry Watch

Glass of milk a day cuts bowel cancer risk - study

13th January 2025

A large UK prospective study found that having more calcium in the diet (equal to a glass of milk per day) was associated with decreasing the risk of bowel cancer.

The study investigated the diets of over half a million women over 16 years old and found bread and non-dairy milks containing calcium and dark leafy greens were associated with being protective against bowel cancer.

The researchers found that consuming too much-processed meat and alcohol was associated with increasing the risk of bowel cancer.

Find out more here:

Hospital admissions for lack of vitamins soaring in England, NHS figures show

13th January 2025

There has been a large increase in the number of people admitted to hospital in England due to a deficiency of vitamins or minerals, according to NHS data.

In 2023-2024 there were 191,927 people admitted to hospital where a lack of iron was the main reason, which is an increase of 11% on 2022-2023 figures. The figure is almost 10 times the number of hospital admissions for a lack of iron in 1998-1999.

There were also 2630 hospital admissions in 2023-2024 where the main reason was B vitamin deficiency (other than folate). This was an increase of 15% compared with 2022-2023 and more than triple the number of hospital admissions in 1998-1999.

Find out more here:

United Kingdom Food Security Report 2024

30th December 2024

The United Kingdom Food Security Report (UKFSR) 2024 provides an analysis of statistical data in relation to food security in the UK. This fulfils the duty in the Agriculture Act 2020 to produce a food security report to Parliament once every three years.

The UKFSR investigates past, current, and future food security trends presenting the best available comprehension of food security.

The UKFSR provides independent evidence to inform users rather than be used as policy or strategy. It provides the government, food chain stakeholders and the public with the analysis and data required for monitoring UK food security and developing effective responses to food security issues.

Find out more here:

Randomised controlled trials evaluating artificial intelligence in clinical practice: a scoping review

30th December 2024

This scoping review of randomised controlled trials on artificial intelligence (AI) in clinical practice has found an increasing interest in AI across clinical locations and specialties.

The scoping review investigated the potential of AI to improve care management, patient symptoms and behaviours, and the efficiency of clinical decision-making. It highlights areas that need more research and also aims to help stakeholders understand better the clinical relevance and availability of AI.

Read the full study here: