NHD Extra October 2016: Issue 118
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5 SÌrednicka-Tober et al (2016). Higher PUFA and omega-3 PUFA, CLA, a-tocopherol and iron, but lower iodine and selenium concentrations in organic bovine milk: A systematic literature review and meta- and redundancy analysis. British Journal of Nutrition 115, 1043-1060
6 SÌrednicka-Tober et al (2016). Composition differences between organic and conventional meat: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis. British Journal of Nutrition 115, 994-1011. Bravata Annals Internal Medicine 2012
7 Smith-Spangler C, Brandeau ML, Hunter GE, Bavinger JC, Pearson M, Eschbach PJ, Sundaram V, Liu H, Schirmer P, Stave C, Olkin I, Bravata DM (2012). Are organic foods safer or healthier than conventional alternatives?: A systematic review. Ann Intern Med. 2012 Sep 4;157(5): 348-66
8 BaranÌski M, SÌrednicka-Tober D, Volakakis N et al (2014). Higher antioxidant and lower cadmium concentrations and lower incidence of pesticide residues in organically grown crops: a systematic literature review and meta-analyses. Br J Nutr 112, 794-811