A day in the life of...
Elaine Anderson -A workplace nutrition dietitian
Lesley Curtis - A food and health development worker
Laura Sexton - Community Nutrition Support Dietitian
Michelle Hanchard - A children's lifestyle weight management service manager
Rachel Margetts - A 'Cook Healthy' cookery and Nutrition Dietitian
Maryam Bader - An early years community food worker
Sophie Johnston - A rotational band 6 Dietitian
Belinda Mortell - A new
Danone Nutricia early life Nutrition Key Account Manager
Annabelle de la Bertauche - A meals on wheels nutritionist
Charlotte Jennifer-Louise Routen - Renal Dietetics Assistant and Dietetics Student
Claire Rilley - A dietitian down under...
Rachel Smith - Dietetic Support worker
Belinda Mortell - A new council member of the British Dietetic Association
Isobel Bandurek - A dietitian navigating the world of charity
Nicola Crawford-Taylor - A Coeliac UK membership helpline dietitian